Alzheimer’s Disease Breathalyzer | Self-Administration Device Design

Lili Byrne
Mar 3, 2021

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a gradually debilitating brain disease affecting millions of patients around the world. Rapid early diagnosis would enable better treatment options and life outcomes for patients. My Bioengineering Masters Capstone team partnered with Northeastern Universities’ Advanced Materials and Microsystems (AMM) lab’s state-of-the-art sensor technology capable of detecting AD biomarkers from exhaled breath. This partnership was ideal, my team and I delivered for them model-validated designs for the internal breath-collection system.

I designed the external interface to be lightweight, serializable, and modular to be as capable as the sensor chips carried within.

Contact me directly if you would like to know more.



Lili Byrne

I am a designer-bioengineer innovating in healthcare. I am a certified YogaSculpt instructor and a fitness blogger-photographer. @movementcalling